This is not so much climate modelling as climate fact:
At last it seems people in a place one least it expected are accepting facts:
Majority of red-state Americans believe climate change is real, study shows
Here are the Texas results:
Public Opinion on Global Warming in Texas: 2013
I always wondered about the inconsistency of the global warming skeptics in criticizing the measurements of warming trends by many climate scientists but still using the measurements, published by these same scientists, that seemed to show there was a ‘pause’ in surface temperature rise. It seems that the pause is itself an an artifact of the way measurements were interpolated, though it was never a pause anyway but just a lower rate of increase.
Global Warming Since 1997 Underestimated by Half
What this emphasizes is that trends over short time-periods, like 10 to 20 years, are not reliable indicators of long term trends.